Collaborative Innovation in the Era of Banking Digitalization: A Comparative Analysis between National and International Practices

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.1, issue 3, p.20-35, 2022
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  • Research paper


In recent years, banks have been undergoing continuous changes in their business models, notably the digitization of their services, which has given rise to another digital opportunity, collaborative innovation. Collaborative innovation is defined as the involvement of multiple internal and external stakeholders with the aim of creating a common innovative project. Banks are increasingly turning to collaborative innovation to create innovative business models based on external-internal partnership approaches in order to better understand and meet customer needs. This collaborative innovation encompasses various participation platforms, which we will detail in the course of our article, also addressing their role in the development of the banking sector. Our study aims to explore the concept of collaborative innovation based on a literature review to understand the opportunities of collaborative innovation and compare the viewpoints of various authors, leading us to identify participatory innovation platforms and the contributions of internal and external collaborators to innovation. Our analysis method will be based on a benchmark study between national and international practices to determine the most adoptable market for collaborative innovation.


Collaborative innovation, internal stakeholders, external stakeholders, participatory platforms


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Publication date:

27 December 2022

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