Authors must adhere to the following guidelines when submitting articles to the IJHSS journal:

  1. Papers submitted to the IJHSS Journal should not have been previously submitted for publication elsewhere, unless the prior submission was in a different language. Papers can be submitted elsewhere after they have been published in IJHSS.
  2. Authors who submit articles for publication are responsible for confirming that their work does not violate any existing copyright. They also agree to indemnify the publisher in case of any breaches of this warranty.
  3. To facilitate widespread distribution and effective enforcement of usage policies, all papers and contributions automatically become the legal copyright of the publisher unless an alternative arrangement is mutually agreed upon.


Publication Frequency

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies publishes three issues per year, corresponding to the following periods: January-April, May-August, and September-December.

The average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted is 15 days.

The average time during which the reviews of manuscripts are conducted is 40 days.

The average time in which the article is published is 60 days.

Ongoing Open Submission

The IJHSS journal welcomes the continuous submission of research papers and scholarly articles from authors across various disciplines within the humanities and social sciences. This open submission policy ensures that we remain a dynamic platform for sharing cutting-edge research and fostering academic discourse throughout the year.

In addition to our ongoing open submission policy, we periodically announce special issues that are dedicated to specific themes or topics of particular relevance or significance in the field of humanities, education, and social sciences. These themed editions provide an opportunity for authors to contribute within a more focused and structured context. We strongly encourage authors to participate in these special issues, as they offer a chance to engage with a community of scholars who share a common interest and to showcase their research in a context that maximizes its impact.

To ensure the success of these themed editions, we kindly request authors to adhere to the specified deadlines and guidelines for each call for submissions. These deadlines are set to allow for the thorough peer-review process and editorial evaluation that the IJHSS journal upholds to maintain the highest standards of academic excellence. It is through this rigorous review process that we ensure the quality and relevance of the content published in our special issues.

Peer Review Protocol

The journal strictly prohibits the use of reviewers recommended by authors (referred to as recommended reviewers) at any stage of the submission process, whether through the web-based submission system or other communication methods. Reviewers must be experts in their respective fields and capable of providing impartial evaluations of manuscripts. Reviewers should not be assigned to review a paper if:

  • The reviewer shares an institutional affiliation with any of the co-authors.
  • The reviewer is associated with the funding organization of the paper.
  • The author has made a recommendation for the reviewer.

Authorship Guidelines

All individuals who have made significant contributions to the content of the article should be acknowledged as authors. The determination of primary authorship, author order, and other publication credits should be based on the proportional scientific or professional contributions made by each person, irrespective of their position. In cases where a publication originates from a student’s dissertation or thesis with multiple authors, the student is typically designated as the primary author.

Author Guidelines

Please note that manuscripts not adhering to the guidelines outlined below may be returned. Authors can log in to the submission site at any time to track their paper’s progress through the peer-review process. Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that align with the aims and scope of the journal will be reviewed. Before submitting your manuscript, ensure you have reviewed the journal’s Aims and Scope and that your work is original.

Submissions by External Parties

When an individual who is not listed as an author submits a manuscript on behalf of the authors, it is necessary to include a statement in both the manuscript’s acknowledgments section and the accompanying cover letter. These statements should:

  • Disclose the nature of the editorial support, including the individual’s name, affiliation, and level of involvement.
  • Specify any entities that provided funding for this support.
  • Confirm that the listed authors have granted permission for the submission of their manuscript through a third party and have endorsed any statements or declarations, such as those related to conflicts of interest or funding sources, etc.

The journal reserves the right to decline manuscripts submitted by a third party instead of the authors themselves, where applicable.


Authors must disclose all sources of funding, including financial support, within their manuscript. Authors are expected to specify the extent of the sponsor(s)’ involvement, if any, from study design to manuscript submission for publication. Authors should also indicate if the sponsor(s) were not involved in any such capacity. Ensure the accuracy of this information in compliance with your funding entity’s requirements.

Conflict of Interest

Authors must declare any conflicts of interest in a cover letter accompanying their submission or within the manuscript submission form available in the journal’s online peer-review system. Conflicts of interest may involve financial and non-financial matters. Transparency is crucial, and any associations that could be perceived as conflicts of interest by external parties should be disclosed.



The IJHSS takes issues related to copyright infringement, plagiarism, and violations of publication best practices seriously. We are committed to protecting the rights of our authors and thoroughly investigate allegations of plagiarism or the improper use of published articles. Our commitment extends to preserving the journal’s reputation by preventing any form of misconduct.

Previous Publication

Material that has been previously published is generally not suitable for inclusion in this journal. However, specific situations may warrant the evaluation of previously published work for potential publication, such as dissertations and theses available in institutional archives.


Manuscript Length and Format :

  • Manuscripts must range between 6,000 and 8,000 words, inclusive of footnotes and bibliographic references.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format.

General Formatting Standards :

  • Use Calibri, 12-point, bold font for the title.
  • Author(s): Calibri, 11-point, bold.
  • Affiliations: 11-point font, including laboratory (if applicable) and/or Faculty, university, country, email address.
  • Abstract : 250-300 words.
  • Entire article text: in Calibri, 11-point, single-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins on all sides.

Title and Headings:

  • Titles and subtitles should be in bold, using Arabic numerals (1, 1.1, etc.).
  • Separate titles and numbers with a single space.
  • No indentation for paragraphs.

Text Style :

  • Justified text without hyphens.
  • Paragraphs separated by a single space.
  • Titles and numbers for figures, charts, pictures, tables, and maps should be placed above.
  • Titles and numbers for figures, pictures, and maps should be placed below.

Citations :

  • Follow APA style for in-text citations: author’s last name and the year of publication, for example: (Venuti, 2001). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Venuti, 2001, p. 14).
  • List signs (abbreviations, acronyms, etc.) before the bibliography.
  • Use quotation marks for quotes less than 40 words.
  • For longer quotes, indent with no quotation marks.
  • It would be preferable to avoid including footnotes unless they are deemed highly necessary; use font size 10.
  • Front size 10 for quotes over 40 words that are not inserted in the body.

Quotations in Foreign Languages:

  • Translate foreign language quotations into the article’s language (English).
  • Clearly state if you provided the translation or if it is from another author, including a complete reference.
  • Italicize examples embedded in the text.


  • Adhere to APA formatting style for the references section.

Author Bionote(s):

  • Submit a separate document with 3-4 lines for author bionote(s)/short academic bio.

For any questions, please contact the journal editors here:


This journal is dedicated to promptly providing open access to its content. Guided by the belief that offering research to the public without charge enriches the global exchange of knowledge, we aim to foster broad accessibility to valuable information.


All the studies published in the journal, along with their supplementary materials, are freely and continuously accessible in the journal’s archive. Additionally, printed copies of the journal are distributed at no cost. The publisher permits authors to self-archive the final published version of their articles (publisher’s PDF) on their personal websites and in institutional repositories post-publication. Authors are also allowed to self-archive their articles in public and commercial subject-specific repositories without any waiting period, provided they acknowledge the original source and provide a link to the article’s publication page. Furthermore, authors can download a PDF of their article and share it with colleagues without any restrictions. The publisher permits the deposition of all versions of papers (published version, accepted version, initial submission) in an author’s chosen institutional or other repository without imposing any embargoes.

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