Digital Heritage Valorization Strategies: Lessons from International Cross-cultural Experiences for Casablanca

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.1, issue 3, p.01-09, 2022
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  • Research paper


This article explores how digital heritage is valorized by examining lessons learned from studies conducted in different countries around the world. Through an extensive review of experiences from ten prominent cities in neighboring countries, including Paris, Lisbon, and Barcelona, this research attempts to extract best practices and key learnings. Methodologically, the study adopts a rigorous approach, analyzing each case study in-depth and discussions with experts from various fields such as urban planning, architecture, and landscape design. The collaborative discussions have provided valuable insights and have resulted in actionable recommendations customized for the unique context of Casablanca. These suggestions inspire the creation of a strong digital strategy for showcasing Casablanca’s architectural heritage, ensuring its preservation and promotion in the digital age.


Digital transition, digital strategies, cross-cultural experience, cultural heritage, experience exchange


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Publication date:

30 December 2022

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