Edition: Vol.3, issue 1

Research paper

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.3, issue 1, p.1-16, 2024
  • Research paper


As Morocco strives to align its education system with global standards and demands, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has emerged as a crucial factor, particularly in technical and professional fields. However, the effective implementation of ESP faces many obstacles throughout several engineering schools nationwide. This paper explores the challenges faced in implementing and advancing ESP programs in Morocco, focusing on the case of the Institut National des Postes et Télécommunications (INPT). The article’s main goal is to provide a preliminary assessment of the ESP landscape in Morocco and propose strategies for improvement. While empirical data is crucial for validating these strategies, this article serves as the ground for a foundational discussion of the current situation of ESP in Morocco as a preliminary phase for further empirical research. The aim of discussing this issue is to provide insights into the broader challenges and opportunities for advancing ESP programs in tertiary education institutions in Morocco. Thus, the paper will discuss the specific context of INPT as an example, highlighting the needs of its students and the challenges they face in acquiring the specialized English language skills they need. This will contribute to a more informed approach to the teaching of ESP, ensuring that Moroccan graduates are equipped with the necessary skills to compete in the global marketplace. Moreover, this paper emphasises that ESP instructors, equipped with a deep understanding of both student needs and current industry trends, play a critical role in tailoring course content to meet the specific language requirements of technical careers. This is achieved through the integration of case studies, simulations, and collaborative projects that require students to apply their language skills in authentic contexts. Such immersive experiences not only enhance students’ communication skills but also build their confidence in using English within their technical domains.

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ESP; skills; technical English; proficiency; job market

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.3, issue 1, p.17-27, 2024
  • Research paper


This study evaluates the effectiveness of medical terminology instruction within the English language module at Hassan II University Faculty of Medicine, Casablanca. Using a mixed-methods approach, the research integrates both qualitative insights from semi-structured interviews and quantitative data from student surveys to provide a comprehensive assessment. Guided by the sequential explanatory design, qualitative findings inform the subsequent quantitative phase, enabling a deeper exploration of instructional challenges and proficiency levels. The study emphasizes data triangulation and joint displays to cross-verify findings, ensuring robust conclusions. The qualitative-dominant approach prioritizes in-depth perceptions of ESP practitioners and medical students while quantitative results offer generalizable insights. Through purposive sampling, key participants provide targeted insights into the effectiveness of medical terminology instruction. The findings underscore the need for enhanced curriculum design that prioritizes medical terminology, preparing students for effective communication in clinical practice and global healthcare settings. This research contributes to curriculum development and the field of English for Medical Purposes.

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English language module; medical education; specialized language skills; medical terminology; curriculum development

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.3, issue 1, p.28-37, 2024
  • Research paper


Critical thinking and information literacy are inextricably linked. Specifically, strong critical thinking skills are correlated with strong information literacy skills and vice versa. This can result in information seekers avoiding misinformation in visual and verbal formats. However, current research and scholarship often ignore the importance of critical thinking in information literacy. This often extends to educational communities, such as colleges. LibGuides, valuable online tools meant to educate, often provide resources for students interested in research. However, if students do not have access to these specific resources, or if these resources are difficult to comprehend, then they will struggle to learn these valuable skills. This may result in them being particularly susceptible to harmful misinformation, such as conspiracy theories. By evaluating how public colleges and universities emphasize information literacy and critical thinking, we may identify their strengths and shortcomings. Availability and accessibility to tools discussing information literacy and critical thinking is essential. Unfortunately, current access to these LibGuides is sporadic based on both state and region. I identified and obtained 180 LibGuides from public U.S. colleges and universities. I found that while information literacy and critical thinking are known as beneficial skills, they are not necessarily prominent within LibGuides. Preliminary results demonstrate that while LibGuides are a valuable tool, especially for students at large public universities, many LibGuides do not contain material on information literacy and critical thinking. Furthermore, even if this material is available, LibGuides containing discussion about the link between information literacy and critical thinking are very limited. More research evaluating the link between LibGuides and access to information literacy, critical thinking, and other valuable skill sets is necessary.

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Critical thinking; information literacy; misinformation; LibGuides; accessibility

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