The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of relational social capital on employee commitment within Moroccan private organizations in the context of post-Covid-19 pandemic. Using non-probability snowball sampling, a total of 387 Moroccan employees participated in the study by completing an 18-item questionnaire. The instrument consisted of demographic questions and items relying on a seven-point Likert scale. Through Pearson product moment correlation and linear regression analyses, relational social capital was found to be positively and significantly associated with employee commitment dimensions, namely affective, continuance and normative. These findings suggest that organizations that create and promote trust in the workplace are more likely to ensure the commitment of their employees, which in turn can potentially allow for quick recovery from the pressing economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Further implications of the study are discussed. Moreover, research limitations and recommendations for future enquiry are addressed.
Social capital, employee commitment, post-Covid-19 pandemic, Moroccan private organizations
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Publication date:
26 April 2023