In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant progress, influencing a variety of aspects of our daily existence. Advances in AI technology must be considered with ethical concerns. There are concerns about how autonomous and advanced AI systems may affect human rights, privacy, and society. This led to the creation of AI ethics, a new area that sets standards for responsible AI development and implementation. Descartes’ dualism serves as a fundamental framework for resolving inquiries regarding AI consciousness, moral agency, machine consciousness, moral agency, and ethical responsibility in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics. In this paper, the relationship between Cartesian dualism and contemporary AI ethics is investigated, with a focus on the ways in which Descartes’ philosophical concepts inform current discussions regarding the ethical treatment of AI entities, the nature of machine consciousness, and the implications for human-machine interactions. The ethical implications of AI technology must be addressed in conjunction with these advancements. As AI systems become increasingly autonomous and sophisticated, there have been apprehensions about their potential impact on human rights, privacy, and society. This has resulted in the emergence of a new field, AI ethics, which aims to establish guidelines and principles for the responsible development and deployment of AI systems. In this paper, the applicability of Descartes’ concepts to the field of contemporary AI ethics is investigated. Specifically, it examines the ways in which Cartesian Dualism influences our comprehension of AI consciousness, the ethical treatment of AI entities, and the moral obligations of AI developers and users.
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7 November 2024
Indie folks start out by making something they want to read, that tell stories they want told..