PACTE ESRI 2030: What Solutions to Address the Employability Issues of Higher Education Graduates?

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.3, issue 1, p.38-49, 2024
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  • Research paper


This article delves into the strategic initiatives outlined in the PACTE ESRI 2030 framework in Morocco, which aims to bridge the gap between higher education and the job market by enhancing the employability of university graduates. It highlights the critical role of aligning academic curricula with industry demands to equip students with the relevant knowledge and skills required for modern workplaces. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the need to develop students’ soft skills—such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability—which are increasingly recognized as essential attributes by employers. The article provides an in-depth analysis of the key proposals within the PACTE ESRI 2030, including fostering stronger collaborations between universities and businesses to create practical training opportunities, encouraging entrepreneurship among students to nurture innovation and self-reliance, and strengthening career-counseling services to assist students in navigating their professional paths. By implementing these initiatives, the framework seeks to prepare graduates not only to secure employment but to excel in a competitive and rapidly evolving global job market. The article concludes by discussing the potential impact of these strategies on transforming Morocco’s higher education system into a dynamic engine for economic growth and societal progress.


PACTE ESRI, employability, Education reform, soft-skills, higher education graduates


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Publication date:

29 December 2023

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