Examining the Implication of Artificial Intelligence Learning Applications on Improvement Learning Permanency of Learners at Higher Educational Institutions

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.2, issue 2, p.48-57, 2023
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  • Research paper


AI applications and new technological equipment have brought new trends in learning development. Now a days the new trends are helping learners in developing content learning skills with effective strategies that are being utilized in the education sector. Moreover, the learning styles of learners have also been changed with concern to technological development in science of pedagogy. Education and technology are connecting for rapid growth of learning process that are assisted by the new trends in technology with effective feedback and with motivational strategies that help the learners in developing the skills of understandings. There are several studies that worked on the relationship of AI with education and development of education with AI and new technologies. This study is about the relationship of education with AI applications that are helping the learners for betterment towards their learning needs. This study focuses on the learning styles of learners with AI applications and with development of learning abilities of learners. This study analyzed the main points of research which explain the relationship between education and technology. This study analyzed the factors of AI applications from the learners of higher educational institutions which are the confidence development while interacting with AI applications, increase learning interest while learning with AI applications, learning needs are fulfilled while learning from AI applications and learning development approach has been developed while learning with AI applications. Moreover, this study found that mostly all the learners have shown positive response to AI applications. This study concludes that learner’s motivation and effectiveness will be increase with training sessions that will be conduct at higher educational institutes This study suggests that there should be curriculum of AI applications from school to college for providing basic knowledge about AI applications and machine learning.


Education, Technology and Education, Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Leaning strategies with Applications of Artificial Intelligence


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Publication date:

15 December 2023

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