COVID-19, a New Factor in Information System Adoption

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.1, issue 3, p.10-19, 2022
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  • Research paper


The objective of our study is to examine the impact of contingency factors and the COVID-19 crisis on the adoption of information systems, as well as to assess the level of user acceptance of ICT. We conducted our quantitative research based on the distribution of a questionnaire as a data collection tool and used SPSS software for testing and verifying research hypotheses. The results highlight the influence of contingency factors and the COVID-19 crisis on the adoption of information systems. They also demonstrate the impact of perceived usefulness and ease of use on the frequency of information systems usage. A larger sample size could further elucidate the contributions and limitations of our findings.


Covid-19, TAM Model, Information System, Contingency


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Publication date:

29 December 2022

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