A Framework for the Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in College Mathematics Instruction

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.3, issue 2, p.1-14, 2024
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  • Research paper


This study provides a framework for utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in the college mathematics classroom. First, it reviews current trends in mathematics education, as they relate to active learning.  Historically, much mathematics instruction has been done in the traditional mode of a non-interactive lecture given by a faculty member, a format where the learner behaves passively while the lecturer delivers information in recent years, more student-focused instructional methods have gained some popularity.  The review of the literature provided herein includes an examination of the use of various techniques in college mathematics instruction. We look at instructional techniques that can be used in addition to or instead of purely didactic lecture-based methods. In contrast to the prior format, the lesson examples provided toward the end of this study present approaches that shift the learning paradigm from a model where the teacher is in complete authority to a participatory model where learners and educators together decide how curriculum is delivered and how learning outcomes are assessed by identifying, examining, and selecting modes of delivery and assessment. Following this, we look at topics related to the use of AI in the mathematics classroom. Since the use of AI, especially in the classroom, is a relatively new development, the literature in this area is still in its early stages. Next, this study develops a theoretical framework offering educators the ability to structure lessons on a variety of mathematical topics with both AI and more traditional instructional methods. This study concludes with three sample lessons, with the latter presenting examples of the utilization of the framework at various levels of college mathematics: developmental, core, and upper-level math major courses. The lessons each include an objective, procedures (including both AI-based and non-AI based instructional methods), and a listing of the knowledge, skills, and values acquired in the lesson.


Artificial intelligence, college mathematics instruction, active learning, andragogy


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Publication date:

8 November 2024

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