“Made in Morocco”: A New Industrial Direction for Economic Recovery- Post Covid-19

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.1, issue 2, p.35-43, 2022
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  • Research paper


The Moroccan economy had to face the heavy repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, national businesses were forced to expand their markets and adapt to the unexpected new requirements of a global economy in free fall, if not suffocated. While some of them succumbed or at least saw their turnover alarmingly decrease, others, on the other hand, showed ingenuity, thus successfully meeting the crisis management challenge. The healthcare sector was the most striking in this regard, with technological innovations and an adaptation of production chains to meet a demand that had hitherto been nonexistent in the market. This capacity of the Moroccan industrial fabric to surpass itself and innovate has given rise to “Made in Morocco,” which aims, within the framework of the 2021-2023 Industrial Recovery Plan, to make local production a lever for economic recovery. The great advantage of this new direction is to reduce dependence on external markets and, consequently, reduce imports through a substitution policy. Our proposed contribution is intended to be a descriptive analysis of this orientation, with a particular focus on numbers and performance during the pandemic. It also focuses on a study titled « Les marocains et le Made in Morocco – Préférence et implication ».


"Made in Morocco"; Covid-19; Economic Recovery; Industrial Recovery Plan


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Publication date:

28 August 2022

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