Rethinking Human Resource Management in the Post-Covid Era

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.2, issue 1, p.01-12, 2023
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  • Research paper


“The New Era of HR”, aims to assess the changes Covid-19 brought about at the HRM level, especially as organizations begin to opt for remote-work. While it focuses on understanding the impact of Covid-19 on HRM Processes, it also offers a projection as to how such changes will continue to impact and alter HR processes in the post-Covid period. .The research pivots on three axes. These include Employee Retention, Performance Management, and Human Resource Development. The study uses primary and secondary data, capturing both employee and organizational perspective on the topic. This ensures reliability, validity, and objectivity. Analysis is carried out using Herzberg’s Theory of Motivation, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and a survey targeting 200 employees designed to understand employees’ perspective. For primary data-collection, the above-mentioned survey, allows for an understanding of the changes employees perceive at the levels of employee retention, performance management, and development. Findings show that Human Resource Management strategies have not been adapted to new working styles and needs, especially at the level of the three axes. This research therefore allows for two important interconnected outcomes. First, it highlights obstacles faced while trying to address the mis-alignment between new needs and previously implemented processes and strategies no longer fitting the new status-quo. Finally, it offers grounds for drafting recommendations that help organizations overcome/minimize obstacles created by the pandemic, eventually leading to the creation of revised successful strategies that can remedy mis-alignments between expected outcomes and actual outcomes.


Post-Covid, human resource management, human resource development


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Publication date:

30 April 2023

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