The Impact of Communication Technologies on Social Dynamics and Urban Planning: Insights from Geomatics Interviews

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.2, issue 3, p.9-14, 2023
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  • Research paper


This study explores the impact of communication technologies on social dynamics and urban planning through interviews with geomatics experts. Participants, who are proficient in utilizing these technologies in urban contexts, shared their responses on their usage, effects on social interactions, and integration into urban planning. Findings reveal that communication technologies play a pivotal role in reshaping urban spaces by facilitating connectivity, enabling citizen participation, and enhancing resource management. However, challenges such as digital divide and privacy concerns persist. In conclusion, closer integration of geomatics professionals into urban planning processes is recommended to leverage the benefits of communication technologies while mitigating their drawbacks.


ICT, digital transition, urban planning, social dynamics, social interactions


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Publication date:

4 November 2023

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