Tragedy as an Independent Real-World Phenomenon

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.2, issue 3, p.15-25, 2023
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  • Research paper


Tragedies, as real-world phenomena, are independent of their literary genre and are suitable for philosophical analysis. My analysis focuses on a type of tragedy that emerges in the practical lives of individuals in a broad sense. Tragedies often manifest in mundane, everyday situations. However, the fact that a situation is tragic does not mean that any unfortunate event that happens to an individual qualifies as a tragedy, nor does it imply that any practical pursuit is a tragic candidate. Instead, these practical tragedies occur when the world obstructs pursuits that are fundamentally valuable. Tragedies are frequently dramatized in specific contexts such as moral dilemmas and historical calamities. Yet, these are merely instances of how the world can oppose what matters more universally.


Practical Tragedies, Fundamental Values, Moral Dilemmas, Historical Calamities


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Publication date:

3 November 2023

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