Edition: Vol.2, issue 3

Research paper

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.2, issue 3, p.1-8, 2023
  • Research paper


Artificial Intelligence is the science of learning and teaching with significant systems that enable the learners to have the best knowledge according to the learning needs and perspective of learning styles. From the past years Artificial Intelligence has been rapidly advanced in the technology and as well as in knowledge technology where these Artificial Intelligence applications have unconventional ways advanced the learning strategies. These AI applications have also contributed to the education sector where these applications have led to the essential role in learning in the higher educational systems. This study analyzed the motivation and effectiveness of learners towards the artificial intelligence learning approach about the learning applications. About one hundred twenty-one respondents were touched from five higher education institutions and data is collected from higher educational institutions. This study found that most of the learners were satisfied with AI applications towards the factors that are artificial intelligence applications increase your learning capabilities, AI learning applications increase productivity in learning, what do you think AI applications are useful in enhancing the knowledge, what do you think AI applications have potency towards the easy and clear content learning process. Most of learners responded in positive motivation about the above questions and countered about optimistic effectiveness towards the applications of artificial intelligence. Finally, this concludes that more interaction of learners with AI learning application will provide good results in learning the content of concerned subject. This study suggests that there will be training for learners regarding AI learning applications.

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Artificial intelligence applications, education, teaching and learning, motivation and effectiveness of learners

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.2, issue 3, p.9-14, 2023
  • Research paper


This study explores the impact of communication technologies on social dynamics and urban planning through interviews with geomatics experts. Participants, who are proficient in utilizing these technologies in urban contexts, shared their responses on their usage, effects on social interactions, and integration into urban planning. Findings reveal that communication technologies play a pivotal role in reshaping urban spaces by facilitating connectivity, enabling citizen participation, and enhancing resource management. However, challenges such as digital divide and privacy concerns persist. In conclusion, closer integration of geomatics professionals into urban planning processes is recommended to leverage the benefits of communication technologies while mitigating their drawbacks.

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ICT, digital transition, urban planning, social dynamics, social interactions

The Interdisciplinary Journal of Human and Social Studies, Vol.2, issue 3, p.15-25, 2023
  • Research paper


Tragedies, as real-world phenomena, are independent of their literary genre and are suitable for philosophical analysis. My analysis focuses on a type of tragedy that emerges in the practical lives of individuals in a broad sense. Tragedies often manifest in mundane, everyday situations. However, the fact that a situation is tragic does not mean that any unfortunate event that happens to an individual qualifies as a tragedy, nor does it imply that any practical pursuit is a tragic candidate. Instead, these practical tragedies occur when the world obstructs pursuits that are fundamentally valuable. Tragedies are frequently dramatized in specific contexts such as moral dilemmas and historical calamities. Yet, these are merely instances of how the world can oppose what matters more universally.

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Practical Tragedies, Fundamental Values, Moral Dilemmas, Historical Calamities

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