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  • Research paper
  • Rethinking Human Resource Management in the Post-Covid Era

    “The New Era of HR”, aims to assess the changes Covid-19 brought about at the HRM level, especially as organizations begin to opt for remote-work. While it focuses on unde...

  • Research paper
  • Public Administrations Post COVID-19: Survival Paradox

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted an urgent call for change. This health crisis has presented some with opportunities for development, while others face new cha...

  • Research paper
  • From Fragility to Agility: A Methodological Turning Point for a Better Understanding of the Managerial Phenomenon

    This study sought to deepen our understanding of how managers respond to environmental fluctuations by delving into the intricate interplay among the organization, its environ...

  • Research paper
  • Employee Commitment under the Challenging Circumstances of Post-Covid-19 Pandemic: The Expanded Role of Social Capital

    The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of relational social capital on employee commitment within Moroccan private organizations in the context of post-Covid-19 pa...

  • Research paper
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Financial Performance: A Review of Recent Literature

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability are currently strong trends in the business world. This is driven by a sh...

  • Research paper
  • Conceptual Analysis of the Social Responsibility of Moroccan Organizations in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a significant socio-economic crisis. To address this, Moroccan organizations have had to adapt to protect the health of t...

  • Research paper
  • Procedures for Tackling Business Challenges in the Face of COVID-19 

    In the current economic situation, an increasing number of companies are facing economic and financial difficulties that can, in some cases, lead to bankruptcy. Indeed, the CO...

  • Research paper
  • Preventive Behavior of Moroccans During the COVID-19 Pandemic Confinement Period

    This study aims to describe the preventive behavior adopted by Moroccan participants during the COVID-19 pandemic to protect themselves from the risk of contamination in three...

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