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  • Research paper
  • Digital Heritage Valorization Strategies: Lessons from International Cross-cultural Experiences for Casablanca

    This article explores how digital heritage is valorized by examining lessons learned from studies conducted in different countries around the world. Through an extensive revie...

  • Research paper
  • COVID-19, a New Factor in Information System Adoption

    The objective of our study is to examine the impact of contingency factors and the COVID-19 crisis on the adoption of inf...

  • Research paper
  • Collaborative Innovation in the Era of Banking Digitalization: A Comparative Analysis between National and International Practices

    In recent years, banks have been undergoing continuous changes in their business models, notably the digitization of their services, which has given rise to another digital op...

  • Research paper
  • Digital Transformation and Public Organizational Performance in the COVID-19 Era: Users’ perception

    The strategic importance of digital transformation (DT) has become a crucial element at the heart of our research. Indeed...

  • Research paper
  • Talent Management Training: A Case Study of Sports Training Centers

    Long-term talent development is defined as a sustained structuring of training and competitions in a progressive approach that involves time-limited developmental stages, each...

  • Research paper
  • Internationalization of Scientific Research and Cooperation: Governance of the System from the Perspective of Stakeholder Theory

    Over the past few decades, all components of the public administration have undergone transformations that have led to a reevaluation of several ideas. The main change revolve...

  • Research paper
  • Regulatory Policies and COVID-19: The Business Climate as a Matter of Consultation Between Interest Groups and the State

    Regulatory policy is considered one of the most relevant levers of public action, whether it concerns administrative procedures, investment, and more. Despite the existence of...

  • Research paper
  • “Made in Morocco”: A New Industrial Direction for Economic Recovery- Post Covid-19

    The Moroccan economy had to face the heavy repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, national businesses were forced to expand their markets and adapt to the unexpected ...

  • Research paper
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Financial Performance: A Review of Recent Literature

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability are currently strong trends in the business world. This is driven by a sh...

  • Research paper
  • Conceptual Analysis of the Social Responsibility of Moroccan Organizations in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Since March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a significant socio-economic crisis. To address this, Moroccan organizations have had to adapt to protect the health of t...

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